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BBQ DIY: Thanksgiving, Part 3
How to tell when your turkey is finished plus make a beautiful gravy with smoked butter.
Pitmaster Aaron Franklin takes a boisterous road trip of BBQ culture -- the people, the places, and of course the food. Ten half-hour episodes celebrate the traditions and storied histories passed down through the generations, as well as those breathing new life into this distinctly American culture.
Video description: Stacy Franklin shares a couple recipes that go perfectly with a smoked turkey. Learn how to make smoked garlic mashed potatoes and a grilled green bean shishito pepper side dish. Aaron also explains how to tell when the turkey is getting done and what to do in the last hour of smoking. Hint: it involves butter. Part 3 coming later today.
How to tell when your turkey is finished plus make a beautiful gravy with smoked butter.
Aaron shares the secrets of TEXAS-style pulled pork. What to look for in the cut of meat, how to season and how to cook.
Stacy Franklin shares a couple recipes that go perfectly with a smoked turkey. Learn how to make smoked garlic mashed potatoes and a grilled green bean shishito pepper side dish. Aaron also explains how to tell when the turkey is getting done and what to do in the last hour of smoking. Hint: it involves butter. Part 3 coming later today.
What types of wood work best for which types of meats? Aaron describes characteristics and wood strategies for your optimal smoke. This episode sponsored by Austin Food & Wine Festival. Video of wood shot on location at Harley's Firewood. Thanks Harley!
Aaron Franklin explains the telltale characteristics of a finished brisket, when and why you'd wrap your brisket, how long to let it rest and how to slice your masterpiece. And if you're one of *those* who like the sauce, learn a basic Texas sauce to serve alongside your meat.
Your brisket is trimmed, seasoned and the fire is ready to go. Now what? Pull up a chair and let Professor Franklin take you to class and learn about fire management, optimal cooking temperature, wrapping, and why you should beware of the stall.
Before you put the brisket on, Aaron explains how to modify and season your smoker.
In this first episode of BBQ with Franklin we go straight to the important stuff: the meat. Find out what you should look for when choosing a brisket to smoke, how it should be trimmed and Aaron reveals his age old recipe for seasoning.
Your ribs are trimmed and seasoned, now what? In part 2 of our Ribs episode, Aaron shares the secrets to smoking tender and delicious ribs.