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Black Hole Star Cake
5m 10s
NOVA has teamed up with Cook's Illustrated to cook up a recipe for stars and black holes.
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Video description: Follow archaeologists as they discover a long lost ancient cemetery in Egypt’s sacred desert. Treasures emerge unlike anything seen by the team, revealing details of a unique period, when women had extraordinary power.
NOVA has teamed up with Cook's Illustrated to cook up a recipe for stars and black holes.
Andrea Ghez asks the ultimate question: Is there a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy?
As a child, theoretical astrophysicist Priya Natarajan loved atlas. As an adult, she maps the cosmos.
Black holes are the most enigmatic and exotic objects in the universe. They’re also the most powerful, with gravity so strong it can actually trap light. And they’re destructive. Anything that falls into them vanishes…gone forever. But now, astrophysicists are realizing that black holes may be essential to understanding how our universe unfolded—possibly leading to life on Earth and us.
Black holes are the most enigmatic and exotic objects in the universe. They’re also the most powerful, with gravity so strong it can actually trap light. And they’re destructive. Anything that falls into them vanishes…gone forever. But now, astrophysicists are realizing that black holes may be essential to understanding how our universe unfolded—possibly leading to life on Earth and us.
Black holes are mind-blowing. Discover the FOUR types of black holes that exist in the cosmos.
66 million years ago, a seven-mile-wide asteroid collided with Earth, triggering a chain of events that coincide with the end of the dinosaurs. But experts have long debated exactly what happened when the asteroid struck and how the giant beasts met their end. Now, scientists have uncovered compelling new clues about the catastrophe.
Anywhere information goes, even in your mind, energy goes with it—bottle up that energy and it has mass.
Can states, cities, and companies fulfill US obligations to the Paris Accord on their own?
Cosmic particles reveal a previously hidden void in the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt.
What makes a brain or machine conscious? This theory is beginning to provide some answers.
If a neuroscientist designed a haunted house, would you dare to enter?
From lobster claws and dog teeth to bee stings and snake fangs, every creature depends on a weapon. But some are armed to extremes that make no practical sense—whether it’s bull elks with giant 40-pound antler racks or tiny rhinoceros beetles with horns bigger than their body. What explains giant tusks, horns, and claws that can slow an animal down and even impair health and nutrition?
Beetles make up the largest group of insects on Earth. Why do so few of them have massive pincers?
Fiddler crabs' large claws look intimidating, but is deadly combat their main purpose?
An incredible discovery in astrophysics was unveiled today. Scientists saw and "heard" a dramatic cosmic explosion simultaneously for the first time.
All over the world, scientists are discovering traces of ancient floods on a scale that dwarfs even the most severe flood disasters of recent times. What triggered these cataclysmic floods, and could they strike again? In the Channeled Scablands of Washington State, the level prairie gives way to bizarre, gargantuan rock formations.
Geologists think these iconic chalk cliffs hold an extraordinary secret.