Preview of Saving the Animals of Ukraine
Show title: Nature
Video title: Preview of Saving the Animals of Ukraine
Video duration: 0m 30sVideo description: In the midst of violence and war, Ukrainian citizens are coming together to rescue animals that have been left behind by those forced to flee. Witness a moving view into the effects of war on animals, and the humans who help them. For more information and reminders about the premiere, text Ukraine to 20366.
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Dogs That Changed the World (Part 2) - Preview
Details the explosion of dog types into the roughly 400 breeds known today and outlines dogs' potential role in medical care for human beings. (Part 2 of 2) 10/9/2011
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Dogs That Changed the World (Part 1) - Preview
Dogs' roles as guard, hunter, herder, hauler and spiritual protector, as well as current theories about the wolf's evolutionary leap. 10/5/2011
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Speedy Saluki
3m 21s
For 6,000 years, the Bedouin have bred Saluki from only the quickest dogs with the best eyesight.
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Hummingbirds: Magic in the Air - Preview
High-definition, high-speed footage of hummingbirds in the wild helps viewers to understand the world of hummingbirds as never before. 6/12/2013
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Education | Life and Death of Pacific Northwest Salmon
2m 58s
A brief look into the life and death of wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest.
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Education | As the Crow Flies
6m 50s
Researchers from the University of Washington conduct a long-term experiment to see if crows can pass down information from one generation to the next.
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Education | Salmon's Journey
5m 28s
An overview of salmon's journey after being released from the hatcheries into the wild.
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Education | Restoring Streams
6m 54s
A look at efforts to remove dams and restore streams and salmon runs.
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Education | Salmon in the Ecosystem
6m 15s
An overview of the role of salmon in ecosystems and current efforts to restore salmon nutrients to streams.
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Education | Humans and Salmon
5m 41s
An overview of how humans have impacted salmon populations for more than 150 years.
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Education | Producing Salmon
3m 35s
A look at how humans are producing salmon in an effort to protect the species.
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Education | Life and Death of Pacific Northwest Salmon
2m 58s
A brief look into the life and death of wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest.
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Education | Hook, Line and Sinker
6m 25s
On the tiny, remote island of New Caledonia, crows are much smarter than anyone ever expected.
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Education | Feasting on the Salmon Run
7m 38s
Alaskan brown bears struggle to make the most of their last chance to fatten up before winter hibernation.
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Education | Urban Bears
3m 20s
How black bears native to Alaska are adapting to the encroaching urban sprawl of Anchorage.
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Education | A Global Warming Warning
2m 13s
The challenges faced by polar bears as global warming melts the polar ice cap.
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Education | Extreme Measures
5m 2s
A look at extreme measures to protect salmon from predators, as well as efforts to count salmon populations.
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Clever Monkeys - Preview
Who are the cleverest monkeys? And how much of human experience do they really share? 9/14/11
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