Protecting Africa's Big Cats
Show title: Nature
Video title: Protecting Africa's Big Cats
Video duration: 6m 8sVideo description: John Neelo, a researcher with Botswana Predator Conservation, explores the challenges Africa's big cats and top predators face in shared landscapes, highlighting the urgent need for conservation to sustain balanced ecosystems.
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Trailer: Ireland's Wild River
The Shannon is Ireland’s greatest geographical landmark and the longest river. It is both a barrier and highway – a silver ribbon holding back the rugged landscapes of the west from the gentler plains to the east. The Shannon passes through a huge palette of rural landscapes, where on little-known backwaters, Ireland’s wild animals and plants still thrive as almost nowhere else.
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Honey Badger Scares Off Hyenas
2m 1s
A rubbish dump provides a wealth of entertainment for zoologist Low de Vries as honey badgers chase off porcupines, jackals, and even a large hyena who wander in hoping to share in the spoils.
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Trailer: Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem
“Honey badger is bad ass.” Those words and corresponding video became a YouTube sensation with 51 million hits. This relentless little creature is renowned for its ability to confront grown lions, castrate charging buffalo, and shrug off the toxic defenses of stinging bees, scorpions, and snakes. Little is known about its behavior in the wild or why it is so aggressive.
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No Lock Can Hold This Honey Badger
1m 15s
Wildlife conservationist Brian Jones attempts to keep clever honey badgers from escaping a customized pen, but it’s not a simple task: matching wits and determination with his adopted honey badger has kept Jones busy and full of admiration for more than 20 years.
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Cason and the Wolverine
4m 38s
This is Cason's Make a Wish story: meeting a wolverine. He's been living with Bronchiolitis Obliterans, which has left 9-year-old Cason a body the size of a 6-year-old boy. After watching NATURE's Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom, he was touched and inspired. So it was his wish to go to Haines, Alaska, and meet Steve Kroschel, a wildlife rehabilitator, and the two wolverine pups he raised.
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Trailer: The Funkiest Monkeys
There is an unusual looking monkey called the crested black macaque that is endemic to rainforests in Indonesia, which includes the island of Sulawesi. These striking black primates first caught the attention of wildlife cameraman and biologist Colin Stafford-Johnson 25 years ago. But since then, their numbers have dropped by almost 90 percent, so the filmmaker returns to the island to help.
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History of the Coywolf
2m 2s
The coywolf, a mixture of western coyote and eastern wolf, is a remarkable new hybrid carnivore that is taking over territories once roamed by wolves and slipping unnoticed into our cities. Its appearance is very recent — within the last 90 years — in evolutionary terms, a blip in time. Beginning in Canada but by no means ending there, the story of how it came to be is an extraordinary tale of how
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Trailer: Meet the Coywolf
The coywolf, a mixture of western coyote and eastern wolf, is a remarkable new hybrid carnivore that is taking over territories once roamed by wolves and slipping unnoticed into our cities. Its appearance is very recent — within the last 90 years — in evolutionary terms, a blip in time.
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Field Study: The Coywolf and its New York City habitat
Follow researchers as they document the coywolf in New York City.
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This Thanksgiving Eve on NATURE
NATURE Thanksgiving Eve featuring “My Life as a Turkey”, “An Original DUCKumentary” and “The Private Life of Deer” all starts Wednesday Nov 27 at 8/7c.
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Meet Geoffrey, the Scarlet Macaw
1m 57s
Geoffrey was born at the ARA Project, a macaw conservation group in Central Costa Rica. His mother was an ex-pet and his father was poached from the wild. When his mother abandoned her eggs, Geoffrey had to be raised in an incubator. When Geoffrey is old enough, he will be released into the wild. Until then, he is being taught all the things that he will need to know to survive as a wild macaw.
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Meet Dolly, the Moluccan Cockatoo
4m 7s
Moluccan Cockatoos are an endangered species. In the 1980s, an estimated 74,000+ birds were exported from Indonesia to supply the pet trade. Today, poaching is still a reality, but moluccans are also threatened by loss of habitat. Dolly was captive-born, originally purchased by a man with a parrot collection and soon put up for adoption. In her new home, Dolly and her owner are inseparable.
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Parrot Confidential - Preview
From the wilds of Costa Rica to suburban America, a lovable, quirky cast of parrots will reveal their unforgettable tales and the bittersweet world they share with humans. Nature explores the difficulties of caring for parrots.
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