American Experience
Trailer | Extended Audio Description | Change, Not Charity: The Americans with Disabilities Act
Show title: American Experience
Video title: Trailer | Extended Audio Description | Change, Not Charity: The Americans with Disabilities Act
Video duration: 2m 50sVideo description: EXTENDED AUDIO DESCRIPTION The dramatic story of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. The film highlights the determined people who literally put their bodies on the line to pass the legislation that changed the lives of all Americans.
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Trailer | Fly with Me
2m 2s
Fly With Me tells the story of the pioneering women who became flight attendants at a time when single women were unable to order a drink, eat alone in a restaurant, own a credit card or get a prescription for birth control. The job offered unheard-of opportunities for travel and independence. These women were on the frontlines of the battle to assert gender equality and transform the workplace.
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Trailer | Nazi Town, USA
1m 26s
Nazi Town, USA tells the story of the German American Bund, a pro-Nazi group which in the 1930s had scores of chapters across the country, representing what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States. They held joint rallies with the KKK and ran summer camps for children centered around Nazi ideology and imagery, melding patriotic values with virulent anti-Semitism.
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Where did disco come from?
3m 59s
Turns out disco music has a surprising heritage, starting all the way back in... France? Take a few minutes to learn What the History behind that toe-tapping sound.
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From the Vault: Henri Belolo
2m 50s
French music producer Henri Belolo tells the origin story behind the iconic disco group the Village People.
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Trailer | The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools
1m 25s
The story of a Mississippi town’s effort to integrate its public schools in 1970.
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Chapter 1 | The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools
12m 45s
Watch a preview of The Harvest: Integrating Mississippi's Schools.
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The Battle for Bilingual Education
4m 41s
Most histories about the integration of Boston’s schools in the 1970s focus on the tension between the city’s Black and white residents—but there’s another narrative that goes beyond black and white. This is the little-known story of how Latino and Asian activists took on the education system, and won.
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After Brown v. Board
4m 47s
Twenty years after the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, most schools across the country hadn't integrated. Then the courts stepped in, again.
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The Busing Battleground: Who's Who
In September 1974, Boston schools prepared to integrate via a court-mandated busing plan. The figures facing the moment - activists, agitators, politicians, and students - each had particular interests in mind, and were preparing for the worst.
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From the Vault: Bill Russell
2m 18s
On June 18, 1963, Boston Celtics star and Civil Rights activist Bill Russell addressed the thousands of students who gathered to protest educational inequality and segregation.
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Trailer | The Busing Battleground
1m 53s
The Busing Battleground viscerally captures the class tensions and racial violence that ensued when Black and white students in Boston were bused for the first time between neighborhoods to comply with a federal desegregation order.
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A Transgender Icon on the Place She Felt Safest
1m 58s
Susanna Valenti describes the feeling of being herself among new friends at her hidden resort in the Catskill mountains.
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(Trans)formation: The Story of Christine Jorgensen
14m 57s
Christine Jorgensen was one of the first people to successfully undergo gender affirmation surgery.
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The Tea on Drag
4m 44s
Through award-winning shows like "RuPaul's Drag Race," drag has re-emerged into American pop culture consciousness. But where does the act come from? How long has it been around? And how is drag different from other kinds of gender nonconforming expression?
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Chapter 1 | Casa Susanna
8m 52s
Casa Susanna was a refuge for transgender women and cross-dressing men in the 1950s-60s.
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