
1:30 AM
150 Mins
Best of the 60's (My Music Presents)
Celebrating the decade of peace, love and happiness with pop, folk, rock, The British Beat, Motown and soul hits of the 1960s.
5:00 AM
30 Mins
Lyla in the Loop
Un-make a Mess; Hide and Go Stu
Lyla and Luke clean their room with help from Stu; Stu learns how to play hide-and-seek.
Collage of pbs programming featured in March 2025 campaign

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5:30 AM
30 Mins
Carl the Collector
The Fake Mustache Collection; The Lint Dinosaur Collection
Nico is tired of being mistaken for her twin sister; Carl is upset when Nico breaks the Lint Dinosaur Monday rules and makes a Lint Monster instead.
6:00 AM
30 Mins
Sue Ellen Adds It Up; Wish You Were Here
Sue Ellen learns that math is a valuable tool for everyday life; Sue Ellen wants to meet her pen pal.
6:30 AM
30 Mins
Odd Squad
Crime at Shapely Manor
Olive and Otto investigate an odd crime at Shapely Manor.
Supported By
7:00 AM
30 Mins
Wild Kratts
Flight of the Pollinators
A miniaturized Chris gets stuck to a bee.
7:30 AM
30 Mins
Alma's Way
Song of the Summer; Leapin' Lizards
Alma invites her friends to a Sonny Soto concert; Alma discovers that bearded dragons are not as scary as she thought.
8:00 AM
30 Mins
Lyla in the Loop
Un-make a Mess; Hide and Go Stu
Lyla and Luke clean their room with help from Stu; Stu learns how to play hide-and-seek.
8:30 AM
30 Mins
Carl the Collector
The Fake Mustache Collection; The Lint Dinosaur Collection
Nico is tired of being mistaken for her twin sister; Carl is upset when Nico breaks the Lint Dinosaur Monday rules and makes a Lint Monster instead.
9:00 AM
30 Mins
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
Daniel Gets a Shot; A Stormy Day
Daniel doesn't want to go to the doctor because he has to get a shot; a thunderstorm scares Daniel and O the Owl.
9:30 AM
30 Mins
Rosie's Rules
Catch That Watermelon; Dino Cave
Rosie and Javi transport a watermelon to the park for the family picnic; Rosie builds a dino cave for Iggy.
Supported By
10:00 AM
30 Mins
Sesame Street
Brave Bessie by Brave Gabrielle
Gabrielle tells her friends about Bessie Coleman, the first African-American and Native American woman to fly an airplane; Elmo decides to become the first monster-cook-teacher-cooking teacher.
10:30 AM
30 Mins
Work It Out Wombats!
Sammys Primmo; Sammy Makes a Day
Sammy and Benito find a way to communicate; Sammy makes plans for his mom's visit.
11:00 AM
30 Mins
Donkey Hodie
Potato Pirates; Panda's Special Something
Captain Donkey and her crew search for the Ruby Red Tater Treasure; Panda finds his favorite hoodie, but it no longer fits.
11:30 AM
30 Mins
Pinkalicious & Peterrific
Walking Tall; Go With the Flow
Pinkalicious and Peter's babysitter, Indigo, teaches them how to walk on stilts; Pinkalicious and her friends make a mandala out of shells at the beach.
12:00 PM
60 Mins
Statue of Liberty
This film by documentarian Ken Burns presents the history of the Statue of Liberty. The production traces the iconic American landmark back to its creation in the outskirts of Paris, where sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi meticulously designed the massive statue, which was eventually assembled on a large pedestal overlooking New York Harbor. Numerous cultural luminaries offer their thoughts on the inspiring national symbol, including writers James Baldwin and Arthur Miller.
1:00 PM
120 Mins
The Path to Happily Ever After With Rajiv Nagaich
Elder law attorney Rajiv Nagaich presents an integrated approach to retirement planning -- LifePlanning -- which coordinates health, housing, finances, legal and family issues in retirement.
3:00 PM
60 Mins
PBS News Hour
Co-anchors Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett and correspondents offer in-depth analysis of current events.
4:59 PM
31 Mins
BBC News Today
News stories from around the world, featuring field reporting with breakdowns from regional correspondents and guests covering a broad range of topics, from breaking news to sports.
5:30 PM
25 Mins
BBC News America
Live news program produced out of BBC's Washington, D.C. bureau; host Sumi Somaskanda.
6:00 PM
60 Mins
PBS News Hour
Co-anchors Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett and correspondents offer in-depth analysis of current events.
7:00 PM
30 Mins
Washington Week With The Atlantic
A panel of journalists provides reporting and analysis of the major stories emanating from the United States capital.
7:30 PM
30 Mins
Firing Line
Firing Line With Margaret Hoover
Author Lawrence Perelman reflects on William F. Buckley Jr.'s love of music, his character and the values he represented.
8:00 PM
180 Mins
60s and 70s Soul Celebration (My Music Presents)
Legends of 1960s and 1970s soul music perform their biggest hits; acts include The Temptations, James Brown, Patti LaBelle, The Chi-Lites, The Spinners, Sam Moore and more.