Race in America: What to Watch
A collection of programs to support discussions about racism, protesting, civil rights, Black history and historical individuals, bias, past and current events and more:
Crosscut Now Studio Sessions, A.C. Thompson
Frontline, Documenting Hate: Charlottesville
Confederate Monuments:
Origin of Everything, Why are there so many Confederate Monuments?
Reel South, Divided City

Discussing Race:
Frontline, A Class Divided
Independent Lens, I Am Not Your Negro
Say it Loud, The Reason #BlackTwitter Exists
What I Hear When You Say, Code Words
What I Hear When You Say, Race Card
What I Hear When You Say, White Pride

Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise
Independent Lens, The Black Panthers Vanguard of the Revolution
Independent Lens, The First Rainbow Coalition
Origin of Everything, The Origin of Race in the USA
Origin of Everything, What is Ethnicity?
Origin of Everything, Why did Europeans Enslave Africans?
Point Taken, Should the US Pay Reparations to Black Americans
Reconstruction: America After the Civil War
Investigating Police Brutality:
Frontline, Policing the Police
Independent Lens, Charm City
PBS NewsHour, America in Black and Blue
POV, The End of the Nightstick
Say Their Names: Michael Brown and Lennon Lacy:
America Reframed, Where the Pavement Ends
Independent Lens, Always in Season
Seattle Documentaries:
For relevant educational videos and children's programs, please visit our educational resource guide.